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BibliographieDr Jean-Michel Crabbé Contact
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Abou-Donia M.B. and Coll, Autoantibodies to nervous system-specific proteins are elevated in sera of flight crew members: biomarkers for nervous system injury, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 76:363-380, 2013. Abou-Donia M.B. and Coll, Autoantibodies to nervous system-specific proteins are elevated in sera of flight crew members: biomarkers for nervous system injury. Mohamed B. Abou-Donia1, Martha M. Abou-Donia1, Eman M. ElMasry1, Jean A. Monro2, Michel F. A. Mulder3
This descriptive study reports the results of assays performed to detect circulating autoantibodies in a panel of 7 proteins associated with the nervous system (NS) in sera of 12 healthy controls and a group of 34 flight crew members including both pilots and attendants who experienced adverse effects after exposure to air emissions sourced to the ventilation system in their aircrafts and subsequently sought medical attention. The pro- teins selected represent various types of proteins present in nerve cells that are affected by neuronal degeneration. In the sera samples from flight crew members and healthy con- trols, immunoglobin (IgG) was measured using Western blotting against neurofilament triplet proteins (NFP), tubulin, microtubule-associated tau proteins (tau), microtubule-associated protein-2 (MAP-2), myelin basic protein (MBP), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and glial S100B protein. Significant elevation in levels of circulating IgG-class autoantibodies in flight crew members was found. A symptom-free pilot was sampled before symptoms and then again afterward. This pilot developed clinical problems after flying for 45 h in 10 d. Significant increases in autoantibodies were noted to most of the tested proteins in the serum of this pilot after exposure to air emissions. The levels of autoantibodies rose with worsening of his condition compared to the serum sample collected prior to exposure. After cessation of fly- ing for a year, this pilot's clinical condition improved, and eventually he recovered and his serum autoantibodies against nervous system proteins decreased. The case study with this pilot demonstrates a temporal relationship between exposure to air emissions, clinical con- dition, and level of serum autoantibodies to nervous system-specific proteins. Overall, these results suggest the possible development of neuronal injury and gliosis in flight crew members anecdotally exposed to cabin air emissions containing organophosphates. Thus, increased cir- culating serum autoantibodies resulting from neuronal damage may be used as biomarkers for chemical-induced CNS injury.Ponvert C. et coll. Immunologie fondamentale et immunopathologie. Édition Marketing, 1998. J.M. Saïssy et M. Rüttimann, Société Française d'Anesthésie Réanimation, Intoxications par les organophosphorés, 1999 Elsevier. CSST Canada, répertoire toxicologique sur Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry INRS France Fiches toxicologiques et Biotox sur Publications et outils INMA Institut National de Médecine Agricole, santé et sécurité sur SÉNAT, N° 42, SESSION ORDINAIRE DE 2012-2013, Enregistré à la Présidence du Sénat le 10 octobre 2012, RAPPORT D'INFORMATION FAIT au nom de la mission commune d'information sur les pesticides et leur impact sur la santé et l'environnement, Par Mme Nicole BONNEFOY, Sénateur. Agence Nationale Sécurité du Médicament et des produits de santé.
Médecine environnementale, Pr Belpomme,
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